Service expiration notifications

You can choose between two service expiration notification types.

Daily notifications – recommended for clients with a small number of services

Service expiration notifications will be sent 60, 30 and 15 days in advance of each service’s expiration date. Each notification will contain a link which will enable you to start the renewal process.

5 days before expiration of each service you will receive an additional notification which will also include an offer for renewal of services.

Monthly notifications – recommended for clients with a large number of services

Each month you will receive a notification which will include a list of services which expire in the next two calendar months (separate e-mail for each month). This means you will only receive two notifications per month and it will be entirely your choice which services you wish to renew and when to renew them.

5 days before expiration of each service, you will receive an additional notification which will also include an offer for renewal of services.

Change type of notifications in the Client area

1. Click on the Edit button located left of each contact

2. Choose between daily or monthly notifications:

3. After you have finished editing the contact, click the Confirm button to save the changes.

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