Windows Cloud servers

Cloud servers for system integrators, agencies and companies.

Easy Cloud servers

Easy cloud servers are ideal for testing, development in non-essential projects of companies and individuals who need to optimize their costs while having the option to add or remove cloud servers based on their needs.

Custom Cloud servers

Custom Cloud servers are most suitable when you need a realiable platform resistant to downtime and require scalability to ensure uninterrupted organic growth of your business.

Dedicated Cloud servers

Dedicated Cloud servers are reliable and powerful servers with Intel E3 or E5 processors and redundant local disk space for storing data with up to 16 cores and Enterprise SAN for data storage.

Cloud file storage

Cloud storage is ideal when you need backup space or a data repository. With the use of NFS or SMB protocols it can be integrated with any of our cloud servers.

Do you need help choosing or ordering?

Our team can advise you on choosing the most suitable service or help you find a solution to your (online) problems.

Every day from 8:00 to 20:00

+386 4 58 35 444

Every weekday fomr 8:00 to 20:00

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