60 Day Money Back Guarantee

At Domenca, we believe in quality of our services. For all unlimited, reseller and VPS hosting plans we offer 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. If from whatever reason in the next 60 days you decide to cancel our hosting plan, money is refund for whole period.

When you inform us about cancellation of the services, we will ask you about the reason for that decision and will be happy to receive feedback so we can improve our services in future.

Do you need help choosing or ordering?

Our team can advise you on choosing the most suitable service or help you find a solution to your (online) problems.


Every day from 8:00 to 20:00

04 58 35 444

Every weekday fomr 8:00 to 20:00

"Podaljšanje domen tudi do 56% ceneje od objavljenih cen. Če imate večje število domen izpolnite spodnji obrazec."